What happens if the Masters field changes?
With the Masters field having clear qualifying criteria - it allows us to open a little sooner than we can for most other tournaments. However, there is still one spot available for claim. If this week's Houston Open is won by a golfer that hasn't already qualified for the Masters, they will earn the final available spot at Augusta National. If it's won by an already qualified golfer, no extra spots will be awarded.
If you have already created your Masters Pool and this is a concern of yours, please read the 3 scenarios below to determine your best course of action:
1. I have at least 1 team entered - Once there is at least one team entered in your pool, you cannot edit your template. The template you are working with will be your final version.
2. I don't have any teams entered yet - If you don't have any teams entered yet, you can always reset your template to reflect our final version that will be live no later than 24 hours after the conclusion of the Houston Open. To do this, click on the ROSTER tab (when you are in the Admin menu of your pool). Then click Template in the sub-menu. Then click on the red Reset Template link above the editor. Once you have chosen the best template for yourself, click the Save button to finalize.
3. I want to wait until the Houston Open winner is determined - If you want to wait until the Houston Open is over to have a 100% accurate template, that is entirely OK. We will have the templates updated within the 24 hours concluding the Houston Open. So if you have already created your pool, just follow the steps in item 2 above to reset to the final version. If you haven't created a pool yet - you will only see the final versions available for choosing when you create your pool.
If you have any questions about any of the above - please reach out to us at help@officepools.com for clarification