How do I unsubscribe / turn off emails from OfficePools?

General email, general help

Please follow these steps to turn off (unsubscribe) OfficePools emails:

1. Sign-in to OfficePools

2. Click your Username in the top right corner

3. Select "Subscription Settings" from the dropdown

4. On this page you will be able to check/uncheck the types of emails that you would like to receive/not receive. Click "Save" when done.

Season Start - Notifications from OfficePools announcing when new seasons are ready for pool creation.

Template Announcements - When there are changes to templates.

General Announcements - Any announcements unrelated to the other 3 options.

Pool Invitations - These come from your friends and colleagues as they invite you to their pools. We recommend that you always leave this on.

Unread notifications - These remind you that there may be pool messages that you haven't seen yet.